***** April 8, 2003 *****

Well, this isn't really a very good update or anything but... I have changed the "Voting Station" a bit and added the new votes I received. Not enough people are voting in there in my opinion... So if you haven't expressed yourself with a nifty little vote them please, I encourage you to do so NOW! Go on, don't be shy... I also have been doing some cleaning and moving things around, all very boring maintenance really...

Hugz and Kissez all around! ~*~ Linsie ~*~

OH! and if you want to put up a link to our page (PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!) We've got tons of little banners you can use! (Please link us, we aint too proud to beg! ^_^) oh- you don't gotta use the banners or anything, any link makes us happy! YEAH!

|*Link To Us! Plz!*|

Any mistakes or typos, please let us know about them at once! We're really sorry about any tiny mistakes on the page ^_^ hee hee... we apologize in advance! Don't forget to e-mail us to say "HI!" or if you want your page linked somewhere... We really love hearing from people! But please don't e-mail to yell at us though, girls cry easily!

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